FAA Whistleblowers Continue To Point Out Safety Problems
By Joan Lowy – Huffington Post
WASHINGTON -- The Federal Aviation Administration has repeatedly dragged its feet in responding to whistleblower complaints about safety problems and stronger oversight of air safety is needed, a government watchdog said Tuesday.
Special Counsel Carolyn Lerner, whose job is to protect from retaliation government employees who expose mismanagement or wrongdoing, detailed seven FAA whistleblower cases in letters to the White House and Congress. The cases, Lerner said, "paint a picture of an agency with insufficient responsiveness given its critical public safety mission."
Some of the cases are years old, but Lerner said air traffic controllers and other FAA whistleblowers continued to point out safety problems after making their initial allegations because the agency failed to take promised actions to correct the problems. Other cases are more recent.
This article can be found in its entirety on The Huffington Post website.