Whistleblower Protection: Where it Fits in Your Business

It is said that the best way to prevent labor organizing is for a company to treat workers with respect and dignity, to pay them well and provide benefits they deserve. The best way to prevent whistleblowers from reporting to the government about fraud at your company, under the False Claims Act or the Dodd-Frank whistleblower program, is to prevent fraud in the first place. Unfortunately, it is rare that a corporation celebrates the role of the whistleblower—far more often the whistleblower is ignored, shunned and punished. This is why a whistleblower needs the advocacy and protection of experienced whistleblower attorneys. — Shayne Stevenson

“Given the enormous benefits that whistleblowers provide to their places of employment, it is imperative that corporate cultures begin to accept them as ethical employees, rather than ‘troublemakers.’” Full article »