Whistleblower Spotlight: JPMorgan Chase and Alayne Fleischmann

Ms. Fleischman’s story is the story of many financial fraud whistleblowers. It is important to report on financial immediately. To do that effectively, whether as a whistleblower under the Dodd-Frank whistleblower programs of the SEC or the CFTC, or under the False Claims Act or IRS whistleblower programs, one must first contact an experienced law firm with attorneys who will advise and protect you. Then you must prepare for a long battle against wealthy and powerful adversaries. But it is nothing less than a battle for justice.
— Shayne Stevenson

"Fleischmann is the central witness in one of the biggest cases of white-collar crime in American history, possessing secrets that JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon late last year paid $9 billion (not $13 billion as regularly reported – more on that later) to keep the public from hearing." Full article »