Have you or your kids used Tutor.com for online tutoring, test prep or other purposes? Or have you worked for Tutor.com as a tutor, providing online tutoring? Attorneys are investigating users' rights. Fill out the form to find out more »
Hagens Berman’s legal team is investigating your rights. If you or your child used Tutor.com either individually, purchased for at-home use, or through another party — a school, university, library, military or any other service provider — fill out the form regarding this investigation to learn more.
Tutor.com offer users access to online test prep, tutoring and more through varied means, and anyone who currently uses or has used its services is affected by this investigation. Our investigation includes those who have accessed remote/online tutoring with Tutor.com through:
- High school, college or graduate schools
- Public libraries
- Contracts with the US military
- Other US government agencies and departments
- Local school districts
- State education institutions
- Individual purchasing for homework help, SAT prep or any other at-home use
- Any other access point
Our investigation also includes those who have worked as tutors for Tutor.com.
We believe that users of Tutor.com, as well as tutors for the company, may have rights under the law, and our legal team is interested in speaking with anyone who has used Tutor.com's online education services, or who has provided these services.
Hagens Berman is one of the most successful plaintiffs litigation law firms in the U.S. and has achieved more than $325 billion in settlements in lawsuits against major corporations, big banks and other entities. Potential claims will be handled by lawyers experienced in these matters.
There is no cost or fee whatsoever involved in joining this action. In the event Hagens Berman or any other firm obtains a settlement that provides benefits to class members, the court will decide a reasonable fee to be awarded to the legal team for the class. In no case will any class member ever be asked to pay any out-of-pocket sum.