Have you recently carried a balance on a credit card issued by Bank of America, American Express or other major credit card company? You may have been wrongly charged excessive fees on your card balance. Fill out the form to find out your rights »

Hagens Berman is investigating reports that Bank of America, American Express and others may have charged customers unlawful fees on credit card balances, and attorneys are interested in hearing from anyone who has recently carried a balance on a credit card.


If you have carried a balance on a Bank of America, American Express or other card recently, you may have been charged excessive fees.


Your rights as a consumer include fair and transparent fees on your credit card balance, and we believe that card issuers may have violated the law by imposing excessive fees on your balance. Banks and credit card companies cannot be allowed to profit from exploiting their own customers, especially in times of profound economic uncertainty.


Hagens Berman is home to some of the most well-respected and successful lawyers representing plaintiffs in class-action lawsuits, and the firm has achieved settlements valued at more than $325 billion since its founding. The firm has taken on major institutions for fraudulent billing and predatory behavior, and in 2021, after a decade of tenacious litigation, Hagens Berman secured a settlement valued at $66.7 million in a lawsuit against Visa, Mastercard, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo over an alleged scheme to monopolize the ATM network services market.

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