Dodd-Frank is one of the most powerful tools available to whistleblowers to report Wall Street corruption. Whistleblowers need an attorney who knows this law to guide their reporting and achieve the best chance of reward and protection.
Let our whistleblower attorneys help maximize your claim »
In an effort to curb Wall Street excesses, Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Recognizing that corporate insiders and expert market observers play a critical role in rooting out securities law violations, the Dodd-Frank bill built vigorous whistleblower protections into the legislation known as the “Wall Street Tip-Off Law.”
The law empowers the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to award between 10 percent and 30 percent of any monetary sanctions recovered in excess of $1 million to whistleblowers who provide information leading to a successful enforcement action. Hagens Berman represents whistleblowers with claims involving substantial violations of the Securities Exchange Act and the Commodities Exchange Act.