Sexual Harassment News: Larry Nassar, Catholic Nuns, Kavanaugh

Michigan State's Former President Is Charged With Lying About Larry Nassar Sexual Abuse Case

Lou Anna K. Simon, the former president of Michigan State University who stepped down earlier this year, was charged today in a state court in Michigan with lying to state police during an investigation of sexual abuse by Larry Nassar, the imprisoned campus sports doctor who sexually abused hundreds of female patients for years. read more »

Catholic nuns denounce 'culture of silence and secrecy' surrounding sex abuse in church

Statement follows reports Vatican has known about problem of priests and bishops preying on nuns for decades, but has done next to nothing to stop it

The Catholic Church‘s global organization of nuns has denounced the “culture of silence and secrecy” surrounding sexual abuse in the church.

The International Union of Superiors General, which represents more than 500,000 sisters worldwide, urged nuns who have been abused to report the crimes to police and their superiors.

The group vowed to help nuns who have been abused to find the courage to report it, and pledged to help victims heal and seek justice. read more »

Christine Blasey Ford says some good came out of her ‘terrifying’ testimony against Kavanaugh

Months after publicly accusing Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her three decades ago, Christine Blasey Ford said that speaking out was “terrifying,” but she knew it was her “civic duty.”

Ford testified at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in September that Kavanaugh, then a Supreme Court nominee, had sexually assaulted her when the two were teenagers. The explosive accusations raised crucial questions only days before Kavanaugh’s confirmation vote — leading to a special hearing, tearful testimonies and adamant denials. Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court on Oct. 6. read more »