Hagens Berman sponsors promising young talent in their rise to compete at the highest levels of cycling through Hagens Berman Jayco, one of the world's leading cycling development programs.

The firm hopes to provide young cyclists with opportunities and experiences that can change their lives forever and forge the skills to succeed both on and off the bike. Hagens Berman joined the Axeon Cycling Team to significantly bolster its sponsorship and to expand one of the world's leading U23 cycling development programs. Hagens Berman joined a roster of other key sponsors across cycling and athletics and other fields to promote the next generation of professional cyclists through this promising UCI Continental Cycling team.

Axeon Cycling Team General Manager, Axel Merckx, said the sponsorship program will allow the re-branded Hagens Berman Jayco team to continue its tradition of nurturing and advancing young, talented riders from the amateur ranks to the highest level of the sport. The additional funding will be channeled toward training, personal coaching, conditioning, bike fittings, performance counseling, physiological assessments and technical training.


Team Website
Racing Calendar

Photo credit: Casey B. Gibson