03/01/24 | Case Update
Hagens Berman has filed three complaints to date, each of which is targeted to the location of Family Dollar’s distribution centers. Based on the states serviced by the distribution centers, the complaint in Florida covers Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Mississippi. The complaint in New York covers Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas. The complaint in Utah covers Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming. Collectively, these complaints cover the vast majority of Family Dollar’s stores.


Did you purchase over-the-counter drugs, medications or personal care products at Family Dollar from March 2022 to the present? You may have purchased products that are unsafe for human use and FDA-noncompliant. Fill out the form to find out your rights » 

Case Status
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York
U.S. District Court for the District of Utah
Case Number
2:24-cv-00167, 1:24-cv-00271-BKS-CFH, 0:24-cv-60294-AHS
Family Dollar Stores, Inc.
Dollar Tree, Inc.
Dollar Tree Stores, Inc.
Family Dollar, Inc.
Family Dollar Services, LLC
File Date


Hagens Berman is investigating Family Dollar Stores, Inc. and its state-based branches alleging it sold hundreds of millions of dollars of adulterated over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, medications, and/or personal care products to consumers on multiple occasions that were stored at improper temperatures and humidity. Attorneys say Family Dollar knew these products were unsafe for human use and could not legally be sold because they did not meet federal or state safety regulations, but Family Dollar continued to sell them anyway without disclosing this to consumers.


Family Dollar Stores operates 8,200 Family Dollar retail stores across 48 states. If you purchased OTC drugs, medications and/or personal care products at a Family Dollar store from March 1, 2022 to the present, you may be affected. Impacted products include:

  • Advil, Tylenol, Aleve, or Benadryl
  • Antacid products
  • Cold, allergy and pain relief products
  • Deodorant
  • Eye drops
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Laxatives
  • Sleep aids
  • Sunscreen
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Toothpaste and mouthwash
  • and more

View the full list of Family Dollar products recalled by the FDA »

The FDA classifies these products as “drug and medical devices,” and they are subject to safety regulations that evidence will show Family Dollar violated.


After a Feb. 2022 recall regarding a rat infestation in one of its facilities, the FDA notified Family Dollar that they were not properly storing OTC drugs, medicines, and personal care products within the required temperature and humidity ranges.  

Despite the inspection report and resulting recall, Family Dollar has allegedly sold hundreds of adulterated and unsafe OTC drugs, medicines, and medical devices to unknowing customers. The law firms allege that Family Dollar did this in order to avoid the hundreds of millions in losses it would have suffered had it properly quarantined and destroyed the adulterated products. Instead, Family Dollar was able to turn a profit on the allegedly adulterated products at the expense of low-income consumers.


Hagens Berman is one of the most successful plaintiffs’ litigation law firms in the U.S. taking on powerful corporations seeking to put profit before people. The firm has achieved settlements valued at more than $320 billion on behalf of consumers, including the largest recovery in litigation history — $260 billion — against Big Tobacco. Your claim will be handled by attorneys experienced at holding corporations accountable for endangering consumers through fraud and negligence.


In no case will any class member ever be asked to pay any out-of-pocket sum. In the event Hagens Berman or any other firm obtains a settlement that provides benefits to class members, the court will decide a reasonable fee to be awarded to the legal team for the class.


First Amended Complaint Filed Utah
First Amended Complaint Filed New York
First Amended Complaint Filed Florida
Complaint Filed Utah
Complaint Filed New York
Complaint Filed Florida

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