The Supreme Court is set to decide whether corporate whistle-blowers are protected from being fired if they disclose wrongdoing to company officials rather than to the Securities and Exchange Commission.
"The Justice Department will "double down" on its efforts to prosecute individuals culpable for corporate crimes, the agency's acting No. 2 official said today. Speaking
Whistleblowers contacted the Securities and Exchange Commission about corporate disclosures and financials more than anything else in fiscal 2012, according to
About 36% of the almost $16 billion recovered by the Justice Department in health care whistle-blower fraud cases has come since 2009, records show, which reflects
Now is the time, if ever, for Congress to pass legislation that would reinstate aiding and abetting liability for accountants, lawyers, and others who help corporate executives commit securities fraud that harm investors. The public is outraged from watching all those who assisted in the market meltdown walk away with their huge bonuses.
Institutional investors do in fact make a difference as lead plaintiffs in reaching larger settlements and improving corporate governance. Given the costs of serving as a lead plaintiff and the